Originally Posted By: getthesenets

You might be right in the case of Imperioli. Sometimes people don't think their talent is enough and resort to stunts. I don't think judges and juries can determine what is going on in someone's head, so in all of these cases if there is video evidence or other strong evidence ALL these people should suffer the legal penalty for the crime.

Just today I'm reading about a NY Giants player whose house was robbed for the second time in 2 weeks and this time the robbers left racist graffiti all over his house.


The climate across the country is changing.

If people would stop the racial hoaxes it would make it a hell of a lot easier to determine if vandalism was an act of real racism. So you are absolutely correct that they need to bring the hammer down on all these cases. The country needs to show that racism and hoaxes are both unacceptable and whosoever does either will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If there are hate crime laws in the statutes where the crimes occurred, apply them to both.

It's sad that Nikita Whitlock was a robbery victim, but the graffiti could go either way. Did the robbers spray paint "KKK" and "Trump" to divert attention or to make a racial statement? One example of this was Charles Manson, who drew racist graffiti in the houses where he and his followers murdered people. His graffiti included anti-white messages because he wanted people to think a black group committed those crimes. Another was Susan Smith, who blamed a black carjacker for the murder of her baby.

In the case of Imperioli, no, we won't know what's going on in his head, but if he makes some sort of statement we'll find out. Often when confronted they do confess.