I don't disrespect anyone,enough is enough ! Everyone has opinions,Some know more than others,Some is fact,Some skepticism but do you really believe what LE,So called Experts,Historians and everything they say ,Along with mainstream media ? Its wrong !! Very Wrong!!! Do you really think those charts are correct ? They are so far off its comical !!! Do you really believe that all these people in different circles,families that they've identified are all that's out there ? There are so many members that will never be identified and so many associates that will remain unknown !! If you want to believe all that crap as the final word and the final say than that's up to you ! These organizations have been around 100 or more years and will be here for much longer ! Its like the Oceans, What ? 75% of the world is made up of Water,Oceans and how much has been explored ? 7% ? Its too vast ! Well, I'd say that up until currently I think LE has only uncovered and documented a small percentage of what goes on and who is who ! The Mob operates 24/7 ,7 days a week,365 days a year and 90% of the people involved and the daily goings on will never be heard about !