Read this here...

And there was recently a European report released, and even though it was incomplete, drugs was tops there too....

I might make a thread on this. Sports gambling IS NOT BIGGER THAN DRUGS. Jesus Christ, only like NY region people think this. Drugs is THE business of OC, in this day and age.

There is a reason the government legalized numbers. Everyone from a regular worker to housewives plays the numbers. Maybe even multiple times a day, 365 DAYS A YEAR!!!! Not half the year for football season, or basketball, or just the weekends.

And let's talk about weekends. You really think there are MORE people betting' than say, dancing their life away at some club with a gram of coke? And remember, I'm talking women as well as men here. And even the age demographic has to be considered. I can guarantee you there are more kids, in either high school or college trying to get some loud, or coke, or a pill, or even a fuckin cigarette ( Illinois recently raised the age to 21, think of the bootleggers who sell cigs on the street, or even to legal distributors) than trying to place a bet. This is something Saviano touches on in his book. Drugs aren't limited to just one sector of society anymore. You remember on the Sopranos when the daughter was doing speed to get into college? That's the shit I mean. You have ANY idea how many upper-middle class to rich kids I know who study on Adderall? Just tonight, my guy, a high class type, his sister had Two weddings, one overseas, all kinda money spent on renting a mansion, just bullshit. Dude, All the chicks wanted Xanax. ( however you spell it lol) And all his best customers for loud are like these college educated types that live in the loop. They buy like fuckin clockwork.

Not that sports don't bring it in, but come on now. Guns make more. Oil makes more. Counterfeiting makes a fuckin ton. I honestly think that estimation is off,but if you got stats to back you up, I'm all ears. ( Or eyes, in this case lol)

Edit: Here's an article that sort of echoes how I see it.

But look, I could be wrong about this. It just seems like the world is awash in drugs.

To me it seems like they shoulda legalized it a long time ago, look at the race wire and the aforementioned lottery. Like it seems to me the teams must be MUCH MORE TIED INTO THE GAMBLING RINGS THAN IS REALLY REPORTED. WHY would they lobby to KEEPit illegal? Why leave all that money on the table. Look at fantasy sports in NY. It got to big to ignore, what's the deal with sports books?

There was a thread about mob ties to the NFL, there might be nore to this than people realize, otherwise it actually makes very little sense...

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 11/27/16 07:11 AM.