OC in today's day and age operates on a totally different from 20-30 years ago due to advancements in Technology and most of all ,RICO STATUTE !! They have adapted,Learned,shifted from what used to be.They were hammered by RICO and they were basically a 2nd government almost,At one time they almost rivaled the U.S. Government and operated at the highest levels uninterrupted for many many years,Finally the RICO statute is invented and passed and the Mob was brought down to manageable levels ! Its literally Insane at the Raw Power,and ,Levels they were able to reach.But,in No way is OC gone from Buffalo,Detroit,or many of these cities,communities ,States that these MORONS would lead people to believe ! There are many many other matters Law enforcement and the Media have to deal with today,And, This isn't the 1980s or 1990s , How the fuck is there supposed to be BIG HEADLINES ? These guys are not Idiots,They learned big time, and you need certain elements to build RICO CASES !! They know what brings Heat ! They operate the way they were supposed to, in silence, quietly money over violence ! And when people say, Only GAMBLING AND SHY !! WHAT FUCKEN WORLD DO YOU PEOPLE LIVE IN ? ARE YOUIN THE TWILIGHT ZONE ? SPORTS GAMBLING ALONE RIVALS,IF NOT BIGGER THAN THE DRUG GAME !! In THE U.S.ALONE SPORTS GAMBLING IS A 200-300 PLUS BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR BUSINESS,PROBABLY MORE AS IT IS ESTIMATED THAT U.S. RESIDENTS ILLEGALLY WAGER OVER 300 BILLION ALONE ON ONE GAME IN ONE SPORT, THE SUPERBOWL !! THE GLOBAL DRUG MARKET ANNUALLY IS PEGGED AT JUST OVER 350 BILLION !! I ALSO POSTED THREADS ON THE TEAMSTERS AND LABOR UNIONS IN U. S.OVER THE LAST 16 YEARS AND IT IS SUPPOSEDLY MORE CORRUPT NOW THAN IN THE SO CALLED MOB HEYDAY/GOLDEN AGE, 2000 PLUS CASES,INDICTMENTS IN A 9 YEAR PERIOD 2001-2010 !! OH, AND I GUESS AFTER 70-80-90-100 PLUS YEARS,TRADITIONS,HONOR,VALUES,A WAY OF LIFE AND ALL THAT MONEY TO BE MADE THE FAMILIES JUST RETIRED AND PACKED IT IN !!