Oak I noticed you used the term handouts. I only heard that expression concerning sports handouts. Like what to look for checking for a concussion on the field, or a Coerver or on beep tests.

On a Coerver my soccer friend put one out. I saw his team do it in person in New a jersey. I thought it would make a great video if he filmed it. I told him I had a movie crew who would shoot it. Then when he found out that the movie crew mostly makes porn he backed out.

The guy wears a hat like Oppenheimer wore the guy that headed our atomic bomb project. Then I found out Oppenheimer worked at Princeton university. Funny the coach also worked there and his real job is he is a nuclear physicists.

Then I thought his hat might not just look like Oppenheimer hat but might be oppenheimers hat.

Then I thought if I got my hands on that hat how much would a private collecter pay for the original hat worn by Oppenheimer.

I never went for it because he is a friend. He posts on soccer America every once in a while. I do too but not anymore. Too much aggravation from other posters who know shit about the game.

only the unloved hate