Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Come on, Cook. The Obamas are a self respecting family with class. The president's rebellious years are far behind him. The oldest daughter was seen at a couple of parties while visiting colleges. Aside from that, they're a solid family that exemplifies greatness and leadership. Have some respect.

You seem to simplify things when its in the favor of the democrats, and make a big thing of non immportant things other way around. Dont get me wrong, I couldnt care one way or the other. Especially because im from South europe.
Read some of your posts, you dont strike me as making a valid point other than dissing and hating trump. The election is over, learn to deal with it at least for the next 4 years. There is nothing you can do about it now. Not behind the computer thats for sure, and not on this forum. Dont let yourself ever be a sore loser, be graceful in defeat. Remmember that I really dont care one way or another, im very objetive of what I just said. The easiest thing is to ignore your posts.
Dont wanna be a jerk toward you, take or leave it.