Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
And, again, the popular vote certainly wouldn't suggest that the country rejects Obama's legacy. If Trump were to surpass Obama's numbers in more than just two swing states, I might believe something like that. But the numbers just don't back it up. Trump won a popularity contest with Hillary Clinton in states like Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania, nothing more. And Trump would get destroyed by Barack Obama in an election.

The electoral college isn't going anywhere. You need two thirds of the senate and 3/4ths of the states. Most of the country's electorate is republican at the state level (33/34 out of 50 governors, 67 of 98 state house and senate chambers) and now at the federal level. Plus the 2018 midterm election map is really bad for the Democrats.

The only states with firm democratic control are in places like New York, Mass, and California. The ONLY reason HIllary is winning the popular vote is because she is running up the score in those places.

I think its really hypocritical for the Democrats to now be crying about the electoral college when anyone who is anyone in politics has been saying since 08 the electoral map favors democrats. Of course, those same commentators never predicted that States like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania where republicans haven't won since the 80's would go for a republican.

As far as Obama, he was an excellent once in a lifetime candidate. He is the exception to the rule, not the rule. The democrats will not be able to come up with a candidate like him for a long time. That is not to say that they won't be able to win elections, it just won't be easy to duplicate what he did.

Last edited by fatdomgamiello36; 11/21/16 11:17 PM.