Longtime reader of the board articles,New on the site.Lifetime Queens,Brooklyn born n bred ! I have been to prison on 2 bids,numerous jail visits,fed bop and state. I'll put my two cents in here,Buffalo is far from on its last legs,as is Detroit !I've been around and there is literally TONS of guys,Made and associates everywhere ! I've lived upstate for a Lil while before moving back to the city because I was violated by Nys parole and sent back to the city.Nys, upstate towns and cities are very corrupt and Traditional OC is EVERYWHERE !! They are involved in legitimate business in every shape and form and in every Industry imaginable.There are other problems the feds deal with on a regular basis and just because there are no Rico cases,indictments does not mean OC is not there.During the 1980s and 1990s where traditional OC was public enemy #1 and brought to its knees all the Crime families were stabilized and operating at a high level here in 2016 ! Whether you believe it or not Buffalo is Alive and very well ! They have adapted and operate in a similar but very different fashion .The days of the celebrity,Hollywood gangster BS are long gone , No more crazy whacked out Cowboy shit going on !! The American Mob grew way too big and out of control and needed to be shut down ! I grew up in John Gotti country, Ozone pk and that Moron really destroyed everything for everyone.The feds actually have no clue how many Made guys are out there with all those BS charts they put out ! Smfh, Lmfaoo !! Everything today is White collar, Exploited to no end.Everything is Computers,internet ,web based !! Gambling,Shy and protection rackets are gigantic believe it or not and they not only involve Italians, or other whites, but now they are exploiting other ethnic groups, Mexicans,Arabs , etc . Drugs are HUGE WITH the Italians right now as is working relationships w Street gangs, Bloods,Crops,Latin Kings etc ! Everyone is working together these days unlike ever before, The MC's ! Its endless ! In my opinion, OC is making more money than ever ! Buffalo has never been close to dead !! Today, there's more making ceremonies than ever, On record and on the sneak !