Originally Posted By: Turnbull
--He almost never went into the streets to meet with his people. They had to come to his home in Staten Island--and not many were invited.

Yeah but look where going out in the streets got Gotti. LCN was a secret organization. The Boss is the Boss; you come to him. He doesn't come to you. It looks weak. That said, he shouldn't have had the "White House."


--He cut deals with other families that his people felt were giving away their business.

This goes back to his "nation building". Short term would it have hurt? Yeah. But he was building connections for the future to make the Families stronger and tighter. Which would've maximized growth in the long run.


--He involved himself in petty details and small amounts of money that should have been left to underlings.

Such as?


--He didn't show up at Neil Dellacroce's wake or funeral, which members of Neal's crew took as a sign of disrespect.

He was under indictment for being a member of an alleged criminal conspiracy. Showing up at a wake for a guy with a long rap sheet and standing with guys who have known reputations as killers along with even longer rap sheets doesn't look good for his upcoming trial. In any other circumstance, it'd be unforgivable, but the Commission trial was unprecedented.


--He carried on openly with his Colombian housemaid, Gloria Olarte, under the same roof where his wife lived.

That was wrong. No justifying that.


--After the Commission case was filed, other Dons believed that he'd turn rat rather than spend the rest of his life in prison, away from Gloria.

They had no proof. Couldn't the finger of potential rathood be leveled at any of the other Dons awaiting trial? They were all old men who would've died in jail.


And, most important:
--He was stingy with money, refusing to share generously with underlings. If you want to look for a source of Mob violence, just follow the money.

How was he stingy exactly?