Binnie what is the attraction for you for Hillary? Because if trump had not won Hillary would have been president. I don't get it I would be very surprised if your not a conservative even as a democrat at our age.

I have respect for people's religion even if I am not religious. I don't like people telling me how to think and what to feel. I don't need anyone trying to tell me what to do I like being in control.

I think live and let live on most issues. Just don't shove the issue in my face if I don't agree with something.

I am a liberal when it comes to people abusing children. If I saw an adult hit a child on the street I would tell the adult to stop it. I don't mean just giving them a smack on the behind to get them to be listen. If they don't I would give the adult a smack in the face to see how they like it. i have done it in the past.

I just feel we should have something in common at our age.

only the unloved hate