Originally Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari
Clinton and Trump are draft dodgers. Bush just went AWOL for a time. Bush served, just not overseas. Clinton and Trump did not sign up.

Where do people get their information? Out of thin air? You're statement about Clinton and Trump are incorrect. You're correct about neither wanting to go. Both were assigned high draft numbers. They never would have had to go anyways. August 19th had a draft number of 311. June 14th had the number 356. I would have to check but i am pretty sure no draft number over 200 ever went to Vietnam. My draft number would have been 50 so I definitely would've have went as my 3 sons would have as their draft number as mine are all under 100. That being said, none were "draft dodgers". They sure as hell didn't want to go but didn't leave the country to avoid it.