Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Dude, that video has been making the rounds among my Facebook friends, especially among disappointed Bernie supporters. He's exactly right. The PC crowd shuts people down and makes personal attacks on them instead of engaging in friendly debate. There's no persuasion, only demands and bullying.

At college campuses across the country, students who don't share the Far Left opinion of the majority are often threatened by other students AND the administration. Associate professors with contrary views are denied tenure. The constitutional rights to free speech and freedom of association are tossed out the window. Now because their candidate lost colleges and universities are offering them safe spaces and coloring books, treating them like the crybabies they are. How come Republican students weren't offered those when McCain and Romney lost?

One thing I would like Trump to do is to pull student aid away from any college or university that denies free speech and association rights to students and staff. It used to be that college was there to help young adults grow up into full adults, now it infantilizes them and turns them into pouty, spoiled children and victims. This needs to change.

That's right, they avoid friendly debates because they know it will make them look stupid.