Even George Anatasia said that he never understood why the Feds agreed to a deal with Ralph Natale, because he simply wasn't a good witness. Natale really didn't do any damage to the Philly mob. Firstly, the jury didn't connect with Natale because of his arrogant attitude on the stand. Plus, after Natale's release from prison in 1994, his parole forbade him from meeting with other mobsters (and he could only go to Philadelphia for work related purposes). So although he ordered hits and whatnot to the Merlino faction, nothing got done the way Natale intended it (other witnesses contradicted Natale's testimony). I believe that Merlino was simply using Ralph from the start, but I'm sure Natale would never admit it. In the end it was Ron Previte who was the stronger witness and thus buried the Merlino faction.

As for the movie, I'm sure it's going to be full of Natale's inflated stories and lies and what not.