I fell for it so much that I didn't support or vote for him. You see, people like you is why he was elected. Instead of focusing on legitimate reasons as to why he shouldn't be elected, you instead chose to attack him for the most silly reasons to fear monger and cause hysteria. And many people saw right through it. Your side lost credibility.

Secondly, I never believed he was completely anti war. He's just less of an interventionist than Hillary. It's that simple. If Trump suddenly decides to threaten Russia militarily then we can safely say he's becoming as bad as Hillary.

As for increasing defense spending and how you interpret it, there's no way you will ever concede a single thing. Increasing spending doesn't mean" lets attack even more countries." Although it potentially could happen.
I suppose the only good thing about your reaction and of others on the Left is that maybe, just maybe, the anti war Left will suddenly come back alive like they did during The Bush years. We know if Hillary was in office we wouldn't hear a peep from the so called anti war Left as she warmongers for four to eight years straight.