Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
It wasn't just campaign talk.

In an interview that airs on 60 Minutes tonight, Trump promises to deport 2 to 3 million undocumented immigrants the second he takes office.

The Hitler comparisons looking more and more validated.


Remember that when Obama took office, the first thing he did was close Gitmo (or at least try to).

The first thing Trump is going to do is send 3 million people to impoverished, war torn, crime ridden hells.

Tell me again how there's no difference between the two parties.

Another flaming, stupid and offensive comment from Oak. Immediately play the Hitler card. I hate it when "people" (I use the word loosely) automatically go full Argumentum ad Hitlerum and violate Godwin's Law. It show's they've immediately lost the argument.

First, every country in the world has borders and deports those who enter illegally and/or overstay their visas. There's nothing "Hitler-like" about it. People who break laws face consequences.

Second, Trump said he would focus on criminal illegal immigrants. That is, those who not only entered illegally, but broke additional laws after entering. So by making your criticism general you omitted that inconvenient fact.

"What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records — gang members, drug dealers — we have a lot of these people, probably 2 million, it could be even 3 million. We're getting them out of our country or we're going to incarcerate. But we're getting them out of our country, they're here illegally." (Donald Trump on 60 Minutes, 13 November 2016)

Third, President Obama has the record on deportations. That's a fact, yet I don't seem to recall you calling him Hitler.

Fourth, I am putting this out in the interest of facts and truth. I've already made it clear that I didn't vote for Trump and didn't think he was going to win.

Fifth, on my mother's side I lost many distant relatives in the Holocaust. So there's a personal aspect in it for me. However, I didn't know them. Hitler was a genocidal monster. A valid comparison to Hitler it to someone who has a policy of genocide, meaning a policy to wipe out an entire population. The Turks genocided the Armenians. Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot had genocides. Rwanda genocided Tutsis. King Leopold of Belgium genocided Congo. The Japanese in Manchuria. Nigeria genocided Biafra. France genocided the Huguenots, etc. Trump has no policy of genocide and not said anything even close to wanting to massacre populations, with the exception of the genocidal monsters ISIS. If Trump ever decides to make a policy of genocide then the comparison will be valid and I'll agree with it, but he hasn't and it's unlikely he ever will.