I really think there is no far right here in the US except for the very rich. There is just right and the opposite far left. Far right was invented by the far left.

It used to be it was just left and right both were moderate. Working class was most moderate democrats. The far left democrates don't care about the working class.

We had moderate democrates in office they were ousted out by the far left.

This is a whole new ball game. Republicans won because of moderate democrats the workers losing their jobs. Plus the far left does not care about things like religion. Unfortunely for the extreme left the moderate democrates do.

The normal Latino people and the normal black families do and they care about illegals in the country. Latinos had to wait years to get here legally.

I said this before the average white guy, the average Latino and the average black,guy are basicly all the same. They want to do good for themselves and for their families.

The far left all they want is destroy this country.

only the unloved hate