Originally Posted By: carlitosway
Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: carlitosway
Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
“But, you know, Trump voters—really? Not even the guy who says he wants to f*ck his daughter? This is not a deal-breaker for you? I mean, what does it take? A racist, a liar, a tax cheat, a draft-dodger, a deadbeat, a Russian agent, and a rapist. You know we’re a nuclear power, right? These are red flags.” - Bill Maher

Not a political guy fellas. I know you guys are really passionate and heated about this debate, but in reality these are the two worst presidential candidates in the history of the United States. We went from a great nation of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, and Reagan to George W. Bush, Obama, and Hillary or Donald. It's sad honestly and nothing will change whoever is elected. Hillary is a lying shyster and Donald is an egotistical douche. To support Donald is no different than supporting Hillary. Same thing. It's like arguing that your football team at 1-15 isn't as bad as the other team that finished 1-15. America is more divided than ever.

This is just ridiculous.

Donald Trump is hoping for a few thousand people like you in each swing state. It's his only chance. As much as you pretend to be independent, Trump's campaign team couldn't have written that apathetic statement of yours any better. Not bad for someone who's "not a political guy".

Donald Trump has proven himself to be a pervert.

He's proven himself to be an emotional wreck.

At this point, anyone who isn't voting for Clinton is either for Trump, or crazy. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you're a closet Trump supporter, because I don't want to insult you by assuming you really might believe anything you just said.
I am not voting for anybody. Most Hillary supporters are just as bad as Trump supporters, they just fail to see the perspective from the other side. I am an independent thinker. Nothing much will change whoever is elected. I didn't like George W. Bush nor Obama. As we can see Bush lied and got us into Iraq, Obama lied about "Change we can believe in". Maybe it wasn't a lie, but the only change I have seen is for the worst. I have noticed that Hillary supporters are way more aggressive and quick with insults after I tell them my stance of not voting for her, yet not voting for Trump either. Johnson isn't qualified nor is Jill Stein so I will not vote. I don't know why they are that way, but I will tell you that leaning voters will lean toward Trump when treated with the vitriol that Hillary supporters cast on people. I, myself, do not sway so easily to insults and will stand firm on my stance of not voting for either candidate. They both have so many bad qualities and are so unfit to lead this country I can not morally vote for either candidate. I'll take the high road and pray for the country, work hard, and continue to live a legal lifestyle with a strong moral confidence and hope for the best.

Yeah, went to the courthouse and there were a few Hillary supporters that could mingle into the Trump supporters and you would not tell the difference until they said who they were voting for. If William instead of Johnson was running or president in the Libertarian party, I would have voted. The thing that gets me the most, is people who don't vote, then complain about the elected presidents.

"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green