At his birthday party in Havana, Roth tells Michael and the assembled guests:

"At the time of my retirement -- or death -- I turn over all my interests in the Havana operation to [Michael's] control. But -- all of you will share. The National will go to the Lakeville Road boys. The Capri to the Corleone Family. The Sevilla Biltmore, also, but Eddie Levine of Newport will bring in the Pennino Brothers -- Dino and Eddie - for a piece, and also to handle the actual casino operation. And we've saved a piece for some friends in Nevada, to make sure things go smooth back home."

Michael just sits back and smiles.

I find this hard to believe. Michael was driven--to gain control of Roth's Havana gaming empire. Now, in Havana, Michael gets only one hotel (the Capri) free and clear. Roth says he'll give the biggest one (the Nacional) to another mob, and Michael has to share a third (the Sevilla Biltmore) with the Peninno brothers), who get the most lucrative casino operations. And other holdings will go to other people or mobs.

Why would he complacently sit by as Roth promised what seems to be most of his Havana holdings to others? I have my views, but I'd love to hear yours.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.