Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
This whole thing about both candidates being equally as bad is part of the Trump strategy. They're being used. The Trump campaign is trying to capitalize on this simple minded, lazy apathy. Kind of funny really that people walk around thinking they're independent when they're really playing right into the Trump's hand and campaigning for him without even knowing it. You just can't tell them anything. It's like telling a kid the truth about Santa. You don't want to make them cry. lol.

Sorry, but based on your own words you're too politically ignorant to comment and be taken seriously. You admitted you get most of your news from social media, and that's probably only the social media that you agree with, like Occupy Democrats. Many of these social media groups really are carrying water for the Democratic Party and are used to spread their talking points. Same thing with Politico, CNN, MSNBC, Vox, Buzzfeed, Mic, The Nation, Huffington Post, etc. Moreover, you said you didn't even know who Debbie Wassermann Schultz or Donna Brazile are. I mean, seriously? You're this big Hillary supporter and you don't even know who runs your party? That's what happens when you put yourself in a mental prison and don't allow yourself to read the views of those who don't share your viewpoints.

You like to watch videos? Then check out videos from Sargon of Akkad. He's a British political vlogger who's Labor Party Left and can't stand Hillary because of her corruption, and he points out exactly how in multiple videos. He's not a Trump supporter since he's not American and doesn't live in the U.S. Then after you watch his videos do some homework and look up the documents online and fact check him.

Or you can read something from Occupy Democrats then compare it to an article from National Review, then fact check both of them.

But just stop with the silly argument that because someone doesn't support Killary that he or she supports Chump. They really are both bad. They aren't bad in the same way, but bad in their own unique ways, and neither is qualified to the President.