Another tu quoque fallacy, and a weak one at that. Did the Ashley Todd case involve church vandalism or church fires? No, but she was quickly exposed as a fraudster, put in jail and ordered psychiatric counseling. While she was promoted by the Drudge Report, others on the Right, such as Michelle Malkin, immediately saw through her and wrote about it. There was no cover-up, and as a never-been-a-Republican I can say that it's clear that she doesn't represent them, nor have they "mastered that game" since their participation in these hoaxes is so rare.

On the other hand cheating and hoaxes do find greater acceptance in the Democratic Party, as evidence by the Wikileaks exposures of Debbie Wassermann Schultz and her successor Donna Brazile. Sneaking answers to a Presidential candidate when you're supposed to be fair and neutral is a pretty big deal. Paying people to start fights in Trump rallies is a pretty big deal too. Despite all that I'm not going to paint all Democrats with a broad brush and claim that they "mastered that game."