Its not just the blacks, it's all races. Its the class of people. It seems to be more prevalent with the blacks from my journies in life. Got a van full of carpet and some homeboy comes out to tell me im in the wrong fucking neighborhood. Sorry asshole, your neighbor paid for this carpet to be installed. That's just one occasion. The black ghettos are the nastiest and most primitive. Fucking animals. And if that lifestyle and environment isnt enough to motivate one to achieve as much as possible and rise above. There must be wrong with the thought process. Hispanics dont want to stay in the barrio, so they work hard and get the fuck out. The italians and other Europeans didnt like the ghetto, so they worked hard and got the fuck out. Now you throw in section8, free healthcare, unemployment, obama phones, and free college bc your parent (single mom with numerous baby daddies) gets all the above,and you still cant do something with your life? Wtf? Bend a knee, blame the cops, and preach how society tightened those shackles to allow you to rise. I might not get it, I'm white. Lol