Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
It says a lot about the intelligence (or lack thereof) of people like Cheech that they always have to resort to homophobia and racism.

Ironic that he calls the Irish dumb when the Irish successfully integrated into American society as soon as they emigrated while the Italian gangsters he idolizes had to resort to petty crime.

And fanboys like Cheech still make excuses for these dregs of society while making deranged comments about black people.

Definition of irony.

"Pale faced"? We're not all stereotypes, Cheech.

Don't throw insults around just because your girlfriend got tired of your banana nose and greasy skin and wanted a real man.

Sorry, SC, for bringing myself down to Cheech's level. I didn't think he would react to my - clearly humorous original comment - with such sick hatred and xenophobia.

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you say is humorous. When are you going to get that through your head? You come on here antagonizing Cheech, knowing that he will respond. You have caused the members here to resent you. You have posted ANTI-Italian rants. Can't you just act friggin normal for once?

Who do you think were on the wiseguys' payroll, lining their pockets? It certainly wasn't the Chinese!! It was the Irish cops, and corrupt officials. Those are the worst kind. Get your facts straight.