
The thing with Trump is that he not only has disgruntled Republicans, but angry Democrats and Independents. On the site Quora people were asked about this, and several said that they were Democrats who were voting for him but D on everything else. Trump doesn't represent Republicans, he represents himself. He's a cult of personality. Because he's the outsider who's going to take on the Establishment they overlook his generally horrific candidacy. During the primaries polls showed that he was the one GOP candidate who would lose to Hillary. I believe the GOP candidate with the best chance to beat Hillary was Marco Rubio, but Trump's supporters didn't care.

Now we have two candidates who made promises that are impossible to pay for. Trump says Mexico will pay for multi-billion dollar wall across the Mexican border, and Hillary says all public higher education will be free. She also wants open borders and a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour, which means there will be fewer low-skilled jobs and higher unemployment with more unemployed people brought in from all over the world, and somehow there will be extra tax money to pay for free education and single-payer insurance. Oh yeah, she also says she won't increase the national debt. Hilarious.

In the meantime, both of them want to increase military spending while Medicare, Social Security and SSI are going broke.

This country is screwed.