The guy most of this information comes from is a convicted pedophile, so take it with a grain of salt...

"And the plotting had grown beyond the talking phase, too. He testified that he and others in on the plotting had begun to seek out good places to bury the three bodies of Ligambi, Borgesi and Mazzone. Several landfills and construction sites were under consideration. The plan was to first lure the high-ranking trio to a meeting to occur in North Jersey."

But more fascinating is this tidbit from the end:

Big Mystery Remains
One of Caprio's allies allegedly in on the deal to whack Ligambi and the administration is still alive today. When last written about, he was still a South Philadelphia-based steakhouse-owner and high-level bookmaker.

Danny D'Ambrosio had been allied with "Pete the Crumb" Caprio.

The question asked at Ligambi's trial was, how could the associate have gotten away with his life for plotting the murder of Ligambi and the others.

At the trial, Jack Garcia noted that he was stumped as to why D'Ambrosio wasn't dead. "He must have gotten a pass," the former FBI agent noted, adding: "I don't have inside information as to why (he) has a pass, but he does."