Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
If the Rizzutos weren't allied with the Caruana clan, I could MAYBE buy the Bonnanos providing financing. But the Caruanas just have more money, and access to more money, than well, probably a lot of banks, lol

We just disagree there. The idea of Vito Rizzuto being his own man amuses me. I read in the book about how he sent his own mother to do financial transactions at banks...and she was arrested! You look at some Rizzuto family charts, and his MOTHER is on the chart! LOL. All these mean mugs and faces in little photos, and then in one photo, there is this little old lady. lol

Also the timeline for me doesn't add up. Carlo and friends dismantled the biggest US mafia drug ring, when they took down Genovese, Gigante, Galante, Ormento, all those guys. On the other side, you got the car bomb meant for the Grecos that put the police and military on their ass and disrupted the chain of supply. Then on top of that, Bonnano is kicked off the Commision. 62, Luciano dies. 73, Paulo Gambino dies, around the same time Galante gets out, 75 , Three Fingers's wings are clipped by the law in Sicily. ON TOP OF THAT, you had what, 10 years where the Bonnanos were run by the Commision. They didn't even really have a LEADER, until Galante gets out of jail, then it's like, the heroin well is back on. If it's not concentrated in the hands of Galante, if in fact the drug connects were decentralized amongst, let's say a half dozen of the most powerful Bonnano capos, WHY THE FUCK WAS GALANTE EVER EVEN IMPORTANT AFTER GETTING OUT OF JAIL? The pipeline shoulda never stopped? No? If they coulda just went to Sonny Red for example, why was Galante tolerated for even that long?

I think what happened there is that while Galante is in prison, he is wheeling and dealing, scheming and plotting, setting up his own new connections in Canada, for when he gets out. For Galante, Montreal itself, because of its strategic position, was the Holy Grail, not necessarily any existing crew that was moving junk.

Why was he tolerated for so long? Maybe because to hit him meant to hit the Sicilian bodyguards with him...in other words, he had the backing of certain Sicilian mafia families/clans (who I am going to guess are based in Castellemare Del Golfo/Trapani)...and he physically surrounded himself with them. Once the NY Commission got past the diplomatic red tape between their Sicilian clans, and Galante's, it was open season on the guy. The NY families did not want to be seen by Sicily as hitting Sicilian guys. Just my guess here. Cesare Bonventre fired some of the bullets. Cesare could have whacked Galante from his first day on the job as bodyguard...if that is what BOTH the NY Commission and Sicily wanted him to do. Obviously there was red tape and disagreement for a few years.

Alfa, Sicily is close to the Mediterranean nations like Turkey, close enough to send a guy there and actually buy the morphine base. You see Rizzuto went and set up shop in Venezuela, close to the coke.

If they NEEDED the port of NY, I could see the NY mob controlling it.

Vito was paying tribute, period. I personally don't believe the envelopes ever stopped.

Maybe I just don't understand the AMERICAN aspect of the Pizza connection, here another question, who was in charge the BONNANOS, OR GAMBINOS? John Gambino, or Salvatore Catalano?

Large as they were, I don't think the Gambinos or Genoveses ever wanted to take over the Bonanno's junk operations. What they wanted is for that organization to get its act together.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."