Originally Posted By: blueracing347
I just cannot understand how people follow her. She cant do anything wrong. I work in a hospital and see a lot of different people. I can count the Hillary supporters on one hand. Never once have I seen a Hillary bumper sticker or lawn sign. At her rallies, it seems as though they are being held in an elementary class, where Trump rallies draw major crowds.

She's counting on the usual people to put her in office. Social liberals who vote largely on their particular special interest, ie abortion, "gay rights," etc. Minorities who continue to buy the lie that Democrats are looking out for them. The often corrupt unions. As well as just the typical low-info voter who knows nothing beyond whatever the biased left-leaning media spoonfeeds them.

At this point the Democrats and their media supporters have done a real number on Trump's image over the last month. And he hasn't exactly helped himself. But, rather than just seeing him for the buffoon he is, they've made him out to be so bad that many seem to have forgotten the woman he's running against (and I use that term loosely) is considerably worse. Every time I come across somebody who feels they've done something good by not voting for Trump, yet turning right around and planning to vote for Clinton, I want to smack them upside the head.

A review of everything Hillary is about...

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