Originally Posted By: olivant
TIS, take note:

A cluster of more than 200 small earthquakes beneath the Salton Sea in Southern California earlier this week has scientists waiting to see if the slumbering San Andreas fault nearby could be the next to move. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that following the quake swarm at the Salton Sea on Monday and Tuesday, the likelihood of a magnitude-7 or greater earthquake being triggered is as high as 1 in 100 over the next seven days; the odds will lower as time goes on. But for now, local seismologists might feel their hearts racing. "When there's significant seismicity in this area of the fault, we kind of wonder if [the San Andreas] is somehow going to go active,"

I am soooooooo GLAD that we did NOT have a big earthquake. Normally, this type of stuff doesn't bother me but I had my earthquake kit ready. I was actually scared to send my kids to school in case it hit when they weren't at home.

A 4.1 quake and under I don't get out of bed for but anything over that is pretty significant. When they're talking a 7 pointer that's massive. Cell phone service is usually inop with a 5 and power goes out so you can imagine a 7. It would be total chaos.