Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Thanks,F1. Good luck with the switch to full vegan. Have you done it gradually or cold turkey ?or rather.....

I cannot dispute what the study in the video shows. I have read about some of the health benefits of using actual EVOO over other oils. I think diet, lifestyle, genetics, and even climate have to be taken into consideration when the consumption of any food is discussed.
As I've mentioned in the food section before, several members of my family have fallen to food related diseases. Majority of them had poor diets where they grew up,but it was countered by the lifestyle,climate,etc. They came to America as adults and within 10 years they develop illnesses, partially because of change in lifestyle and climate but also because of the way food is grown and processed here.
They had poor diets and were on their way to health problems eventually but the process was sped up when they moved here and didn't adapt.

The podcast in the first post here is talking about essentially the "bootlegging" of EVOO....counterfeiting of it. You are right that there is probably no fully safe and beneficial oil but I'd say for cooking purposes real EVOO is one of the better choices.

I gradually moved into it. Dairy was the last thing to go. I love cheese and cream for the coffee. Now I use unsweetened cashew milk, almond milk or flax milk (none are quite as good since they don't have the thickness of cream). If I go to Starbucks I just use Splenda and pour it into a large cup of ice because they don't have any unsweetened alternatives.

Sorry about your family falling prey to America's diet, but it takes a combination of education and willpower. Junk food is made to taste good, and if it's cheap that's even better. American culture pushes fried foods and desserts. I remember when I was young and watching TV and a commercial for Twinkies or some sugared cereal came on and the actress kept on saying how "wholesome" the product was. I asked myself, "What does wholesome mean?" It was some corporate-created buzzword to make parents think there is some healthy aspect to the garbage they were selling. Anyway, assuming the relatives you wrote about are still around, it's not too late to turn things around. What some of these studies say is that by avoiding the crap and eating healthy the body will repair itself, or at least try to. But some people don't want to. I shared some information with my mother-in-law and she didn't listen; she died from a combination of diabetes and cancer last year.

BTW, it looks like the healthiest oils are (in this order): Algae Oil, Avocado Oil, then Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

That study about olive oil and nitro fatty acids used GENETICALLY MODIFIED MICE, not human subjects, so we don't know it's applicability in humans: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle...y-acids-healthy

A report from earlier this year from UC Davis warns against using any oil: http://ucdintegrativemedicine.com/2016/05/why-you-should-opt-out-of-olive-oil/#gs.ke7j4fo

This article from 2011 also raises concerns: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/linda-larrowe-bergersen/olive-oil-health_b_816011.html

Last edited by Faithful1; 10/16/16 02:56 AM.