Originally Posted By: Ryan98366
Columbo Family Strength:

Add up every member in jail for life

Add up every member in jail for 20+ years or more

Combining all those serving 20 years up to life, maybe a dozen, give or take.

Add up every member over the age of 70

This is where you really get off track. Look at the ages shown on the charts. 70 is prime age as far as the NY mob is concerned. Maybe 80 or above would go more to the point you're trying to make. And for that you can probably add another dozen or so.

Add up every semi-retired or Florida member

This one is harder to tell but the number for semi-retired or otherwise inactive is probably a good chunk of any mob family. But the above 80+ members would figure into that since you're apparently saying they become a non-factor due to age.

Subtract that from the total membership.

There ain't much left.

Even if we assume, for the sake of argument, that half of the family's membership is doing long stretches in prison, is semi-retired or inactive due to age or other reasons, that still leaves about 50 active members on the street. While I don't put a whole lot of stock in associate figures, if we go by the standard member-to-associate ratio we see (1:5) while also assuming only half of them are on the street, that still leaves the Colombos with a total manpower of roughly 300 members and associates.

Beyond all that, look at the cases against the Colombos over the past 15+ years. Have they declined compared to the past? Of course. But they continue to have a functioning hierarchy and ongoing criminal operations in the New York area, as well as Florida to a much lesser extent.

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