This is one of those rare occasions when Alfa and me actually agree on something. Neither Trump nor Clinton deserve or should be elected president. Trump has shown himself to be a depraved narcissist and Clinton is a Machiavellian sociopath who tells different audiences what they want to hear.

Her economic policy is fascistic and is only slightly more ignorant on economics than Trump is. She wants to follow the Australian model of gun control through executive orders and installing anti-Second Amendment judges. She's a warmonger who started the war in Libya, supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, helped get us into the quagmire in Syria, and is a hardliner against Putin. She also has the most extreme abortion policy of any president, not only advocating for abortion up and until delivery, but she wants to repeal the Hyde Amendment so all taxpayers can pay for them. Hillary wants to cut back on political free speech -- particularly for her critics -- and has a history of being willing to break the law to suit her political purposes. The Clintons used the Clinton Foundation to buy access to the State Dept. and, as the example from Haiti showed, used Foundation funds to support cronies to help themselves instead of the poor who needed it. She's not the better alternative to Trump. The better alternative is to vote for neither one of them.