Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
I don't get how they were better off when they cut ties back in like 1999?
After Sciascias murder right?

And why would they be better off? If that's the case why were they so resistant to Montagna in Canada?

They were primarily a narcotics syndicate, I can't really see at that point what Bonnano affiliation would have done for em, or WAS doing for em.

Let me ask this, who were the Montrealers dealing with in NY after Sciascia got killed? Did they still work with the Bonnanos, or not, or another family? I was under the impression that they diversified their narcotics business to be less dependent on NY. ( Prime example is the hashish market) Did they still get a majority of their money in NY, cause I thought it was Montreal and Europe.

You gotta remember Cabrini, I'm reading 6th Family now. You already finished. I intend to revisit this thread with some interesting analysis, such as the observation that Rusty must have been only an acting Boss to be challenged by both Galante and the 3 Capos. [I actually have a lot of circumstantial fact to back that assertion.] But some of your questions are a little advanced for me right now so please bear with me.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."