Alpha that guy santo was a shooter in the 3 capo hit. Hes the won the accendtly got shot and crippled then died like 20yrs later in a plane crash in montreal i think i read. He was a avid small plane flight guy. Guess your legs dont work and you put in some many hits for the family they buy you a small plane. Sixth family was a good book i read that at myrtle beach when i first joined the board probaly 5yrs ago. But how the Canadian author thought all rizzuto family and guys jn the book were untouchable. Like everyone has been killed. Thats not organized crime up there thats a clusterfuck they were doing 1000times better under the bonanno family before massino fliped. I still think the whole enigma of them being a satellite of the 5familys helped them. Today thats gone correct?