Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
Also, you gotta keep reading, they address the whole divided loyalty thing in the book..

Also Alfa, from what I can gather, it took so long to hit Galante cause they needed permission from Sicily, that they weren't about to give if it upset their narcotics network.

You gotta understand, like when In the book, it says Sonny Red took a consignment and didn't feel obligated to pay. See he thought that cause he felt he outranked the Sicilians over here, and he was right,he did. But what he didn't get was that when it came to narcotics, that didn't count for shit. If it were a matter of screwing one mobster, or a small group of guys, that's one thing. But half of Palermo might have been invested in these drug shipments. To think of this as AMERICAN MAFIA PROPERTY is a fatal miscalculation of the situation.
Also, I think in D'Arcos book he said they used TWENTY-SEVEN blockers to make sure the shooters got away. And in the follow up three capo murders, they took the extraordinary step of subcontracting the burial work to a crew in another family (Gottis crew), so a lot of guys involved isn't exactly unheard of.

The thing about the merging of the families, you are preaching to the choir my man. Look at the Partnership/Partinicos, the Bonnano/Castallamarese, the Gambino/Palermo families, same god damn structure, but no one sees it it seems. And today you have the Gambinos trying to duplicate this with Calabrese gangsters. And the common denominator is narcotics. It's hard to see if you follow the MAFIA, but if you follow the narcotics industry, you start to see repeating patterns, repeating structures, regardless of ethnicity or whatever.

If Sonny Red really did that, that was crazy. But a lot of times what it seems like is they come up with excuses for why they hit someone after the fact. Like Anastasia. I don't for one second believe he was whacked for selling memberships. That's an excuse. It might be a made up accusation that he stole a Sicilian consignment. As a matter of fact, it makes no sense, because weren't the three capos killed over drugs? This means the three capos wanted to be the masters of their own Sicilian connections. Stealing from those connections would be counterproductive.

The only people that are really connected to the Galante hit, evidence wise are who? Santo Giordano, Bruno, and Bonventre. And we know Salvatore Catalano lammed it back to Italy for a few months after the hit.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."