My biggest fear with Clinton is her reaction to Russia she wants to go back to the cold war days. US needs to work with Russia instead it fights it Russia are no saints but hey the US works with Saudia Arabia a country that murders thousands of its people, finances terriorst groups and bombs other middle eastern countries but no one takes notice in the west all about the oil

US did try to work with Russia on Syria but look what happened us killed 60 normal Syrian soldiers accidentally thinking they were ISIS and Russia have kept bombing hospitals so nothing has changed. So while the US and Russia fight there proxy war 2 million people have no water and running out of food of course no aid is coming gets blown up by the Russians disgrace really and people wonder why there is a refugee crisis we in Europe have to deal with US and Russia doing fuck all to help Europe even though they are causing it. Leader's of the free world what bullshit

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion