Originally Posted By: getthesenets

True points about the existence of double standards.

However, Trump's son was not mis quoted, nor were his words taken out of context.

Trump is an accomplished man, however his dad bailed him out of financial problems SEVERAL times.
The million dollar loan was just at the beginning.

Call Trump many things, but can't call him a self made man.

I agree with you that Trump's son actually said those words, I do not deny that. What I was saying is sometimes you say something and it doesn't come out the way you meant it.
A person that starts with nothing and ends up earning his first million is a big achievement. Compare this with Trump that starts with a million and ends up with 10 billion that is a much more bigger achievement. To put in context of a billionaire's point of view, it is right to say he started with nothing (a million) and created a billion dollar empire. This is what I think Trump's son was trying to say.
With your other point, even if his father helped him. He still managed to surpass his father's wealth a thousand times over. Example, his siblings had the same opportunity, why weren't they able to achieve the same wealth that Donald Trump did.
Furthermore this whole trivial conversation we are having is just a distraction to Hillary's failures which they don't want people to focus on. I honestly believe that Trump entered politics wanting to do something good in his life. He already made his money and is not motivated by greed like the rest of those corrupted politicians.