Going to school who needs college? Not everyone wants to go to college some people rather work with their hands and have a trade. Go to Germany see what graduating Columbia University with honors gets you. They ask you what trade do you have not what college you went to.

Their are plenty of dumb fucks who went to college who still live with mommy and daddy like you Oak.

Getting a full time job means you have to work hard and have a drive in you to do well. Not everyone works for a union where you can fuck off on your computer all day long and not get fired for doing a bad job. You can be an incompetent and no one will fire you.

Getting married and staying married is easy. When you have the right women and know it. Then be strong enough not to fuck it up. I had dinner with my wife and three other couples. In total years all of us have been married for close to two hundred years.

One of the keys to staying together when you get older is to start losing your hearing. Then when ever she says something that you might not agree with you can't actually really hear it and then you say yeah sure. Then you do what she says. We used to fight, but not any more.

She still worries about me. I always found that amazing because I never worried about my self.

A little over a week ago I got dragged over to visit my daughter's new home. She was going to barbque. She never check it after the move. That she runs in the house telling us to get out of the house the gril was on fire near the propane tank.

So I go back with a fire extinguisher my wife is yelling at me to get away. I am thinking save the house and put out the fire. A pull the grill from the wall of the house burn my hand doing it. And put out the fire and spray everything with the extinguisher. Early they call the fire department its volunteer. 15 minutes after I put it out they come. The house and maybe the surrounding trees would have caught fire by then.

Having kids is easy. Supporting them gives you an insentive to do well. Unless you quit the family when it is convient for you. I don't think I was a good father. To busy trying to make money doing my own thing. Now that they are all grown up and out of the house and they are all doing pretty well. I think man they had a great mother. Suprrisely to me they actually even love me I can't figure out that either.

I did plenty of stupid shit yet survived it to be an old man. But in my head I am still in my 20s. Try to keep in shape and I do keep in shape.

Saving money is great. But still being able to make money is much better.

On retirement have a plan retire to something rather then from something. When I did retire I never thought about what I will do after. I can do anything I want now.

All I want to do is be with the wife. I don't need to visit the kids she does. I like to go out see shows play cards and I still like to help train soccer players.

Oh yes I post on sites on two topics.

When I was still working I never used a computer or an iPad.

Oak can do it because he does not actually do any real work.

only the unloved hate