
Aaah, I get where you are going, but there's a couple things you gotta remember;

The heroin trade was controlled from the other side of the Atlantic, from Sicilian mafia families. Tieri was Neapolitan, plus the Genovese, and heroin, at this point in time? I'm not sure about that, it was kinda the Bonnanos out front, Gambinos close behind, you had Gas and Vic in the Luchesses running narcotics. But I've always read Casso had his own direct connect to the French connection, as well as importing his own weed.

Also that thread wasn't about Galante counting on Bonnano muscle or Canadian muscle. Guys were confused as to WHY he was able to muscle them, as well as how large a crew he MUST HAVE HAD to be able to pull it off.

What I countered with is that he wasn't so much as feared as he was TOLERATED, until he wasn't needed anymore. The families, I think feared losing access to the heroin market. He was too easy to kill. He had no super large army of killers. His source of power was his link in the heroin chain, I don't think the Sicilian families wanted their business disrupted.

That was also my other main point, I don't think it was the Bonnano families heroin operation, so much as the Sicilian mafias heroin operation, in PARTNERSHIPS with the NY families. Kinda like what is most likely occurring now with the NY families and the Calabrians....