Kay angrily confronted Michael with aborting her male fetus, sending him into a violent rage. An abortion was credible, even though abortion was illegal in the US until after Roe v. Wade (1973). Any woman with some money (probably ~$500 in 1958-59) could have gotten an abortion by a real doctor in a clinical setting—and Kay had plenty of money. But, I’m wondering if Kay really did have an abortion—or if she had a miscarriage, and called it an abortion to get back at Michael for all the lies and disappointments he’d inflicted on her:

--Any doctor performing an abortion on Mrs. Michael Corleone knew he’d be putting himself in mortal danger. And, there’d be no way he could hide his identity. Kay was confined to the Tahoe compound, so he’d have to do it there; or, if Kay insisted on going to her doctor’s office or a hospital, she’d have been accompanied by Tom and/or an army of bodyguards.
--“It was a boy!” Kay hissed at Michael, adding that she would never “bring another one of your sons into this world.” Kay was only three months pregnant, as Tom told Michael, and amniocentesis was unknown in the US at the time. There is no way Kay could have known for sure that the aborted fetus was male.
--She also said she did “an unholy thing,” perhaps mocking the Catholic faith that she had converted to after marrying Michael.

What do you think: abortion? Or miscarriage, vengefully misrepresented by Kay as abortion?

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.