Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
and who are the ones that will suffer for their ignorance? yes..... you and I and millions like us, never them.

The people, like us, who understand that both are clusterf---s are in the best position. You can prepare for each presidency.

One of them wants to keep American dominance abroad, but is giving the barn away to foreigners at home. During the economic recovery, nearly 100% of all new jobs created went to immigrants. Not cool.

The other wants to keep "America for Americans", but will plunge the country into another recession and shrink America's presence on the world stage, withdrawing from treaties, weakening NATO, creating vacuums and opportunities for Russia to expand its influence.

The stated policies of each candidate are not well thought out. As a matter of fact, I doubt either ever actually sat down and really thought about the world in a strategic way at all.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."