Originally Posted By: Hollander
The ties between the 'ndrangheta and the NY mob go way back, in 1970 Rocco Zito ( killed this year ) had a meeting at a Holiday Inn with Sergio Gambino about heroin trafficking between the US and Canada.
At the same time Zito also had contacts with the Bonannos.

The Holiday Inn was on Highway 27 in Toronto (or just outside of Toronto). Rocco Zito and Giuseppe Indelicato (born in Siculiana; often had dealings with Siderno Group figures) met with Paolo Gambino (Carlo's brother) and Gambino's driver at the time, Emanuele Adamita (who, along with his brothers, became a big heroin dealer in his own right). After law enforcement's surveillance of Gambino and Adamita in Toronto on May 4 and 5, 1970, police learned that the two had also been in Toronto earlier in 1970.

Before arriving in Toronto on May 4 by car, Gambino and Adamita had been in Montreal, where they met with important people in the Montreal Mafia. I have seen a number of articles in which Zito is mentioned as having contact with Bonanno Family members, but these members could have been just Montrealers in the Bonanno decina--over the years Zito was known to have associated with Vic Cotroni, Paolo Violi, and especially Nick Rizzuto Sr. (Before Rizzuto was killed, he and Zito had known each other for approximately 40 years, perhaps longer.)