Because you rarely back up anything you write and I get tired of correcting every little factually incorrect claim that you make. I don't have that much time anymore and need to focus on other things. It's like having to explain that Lucky Luciano didn't create the Mafia to every new member every five minutes, or how forty mobsters weren't slain across the country in the wake of Salvatore Maranzano's death, or having to prove that the "Last Testament of Lucky Luciano" is a fraud. I wrote lengthy pieces on all this and the facts are out there.

Also, remember the internet is your friend and the information is available, usually for free. Instead of just looking at your own side to boost your pre-set beliefs, examine both sides (and other sides too). Try to put your SJW biases aside and consider the possibility that those with whom you disagree may have legitimate points. Open your mind to new possibilities. Don't automatically assume that because something doesn't fit with your current beliefs that it's wrong or false. Maybe it's your beliefs that need adjustment. Put truth ahead of politics. Now, I'll get back to living my life.