I don't think were being fair here. Sure there are a few minor things about Trump to overlook, like…

… he thinks that the world would be better if more countries had Nukes (including North Korea), murdering civilians is ok if their relative does something bad, that the Tiananmen Square Massacre wasn’t a bad thing, the Geneva Convention is a “problem,” that torture is acceptable, that we should leave NATO, that we should establish a database of people who adhere to a given religion (Reinhard Heydrich would be proud), that the interpretation of the Constitution for over two centuries should be tossed out and citizens deported, that global warming is a hoax that was created by the Chinese, that Japanese internment camps were acceptable, that POWs aren’t heroes because they were captured, that freedom of the press should be restricted, that Kim Jong and Saddam deserve praise, that cozying up with white supremacists and echoing their dog whistle propaganda is tolerable, that only Jews should count money, that blacks are inherently lazy, that housing discrimination based on race is alright, that mocking disabilities like a grade-schooler is groovy, women should be punished for seeking abortions (but the men who played a part in the pregnancy, and likely in advocating for the abortion, should remain unscathed), that repeatedly sexualizing your own daughter (even when she was only a 1 year old) is appropriate, that men who are hands-on in the raising of their children are taking on the role of the wife, that women can be reduced to nothing more than their appearance, that we should commit acts of war if someone flips us off, and that Ted Cruz’s dad helped kill Kennedy and Clinton murdered an intern…

… but once you look past those iddy-biddy snags, you find that he’s going to build a wall, be totally extra tough, and win a lot. Those are some serious qualifications that deserve careful consideration. I don’t see Gary Johnson talking about winning a lot -- just sayin’.

All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.

I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?