Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
One candidate wants to allow Arabs to continue to try and fill up the United States. That is not a good thing.


Only further proves what Hillary has said about her opponents.

Relax Oak, no need to go personal. I am being a realist here. I live in NYC and see the armed soldiers in Penn Station every day. It's real. What happened in Orlando is real. We have to protect what is left of the United States. Don't go thinking I am a white bigot. I happen to not be white. Now if someone wants to call a distrust of lettings hundreds of thousands of religious people from violent countries where suicide bombings are an every day affair, a bigot, I won't stop you. This has nothing to do with race, nothing. We have a responsibility to protect the women and children of the United States and not expose them to shrapnel. It's not complicated or emotional.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."