Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
It's hard to tell how serious it is.

She says pneumonia.

People strictly going by the facts are saying it might have something to do with a past collapse when she hit her head.

And, of course, Republicans are saying that she has Zika Virus, Ebola, AIDS, God is punishing her for Benghazi, Karma is punishing her for Benghazi, Buddha is punishing her for Benghazi, Korean Jesus is punishing her for Benghazi, Slender Man is punishing her for Benghazi, Jor-El is punishing her for Benghazi, and Cyrus in Warriors is punishing her for Benghazi. I mean it. I've heard all of these things in the past week alone. So, forgive me if I wait this out before jumping to conclusions.

Actually, that's the best answer. We should wait it out and see instead of trying to make guesses. We're not doctors, and we are especially not her doctors. She may just have pneumonia and may fully recover from it, or she may have something much worse. We don't know for certain either way, so let's just see how things play out.

That's actually good advice, but I still lean towards Hillary Clinton being unfit. Why. Because whatever is ailing her, her and her campaign have deemed it to be damaging to her run for president if it were ever broadcast. Therefore what-ever she is sick with, it disqualifies her. This is someone who was being held up like a Jim Henson puppet, a Raggedy Ann doll, and literally tossed, tossed, into her car like a slab of beef. I've never seen anything like it, ever. She has got to be kidding.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."