Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
I think it's pretty obvious what anyone would mean by saying it's a racial thing, and that is that the white suspect got a slap in the wrist. Just put a black face on Brock Turner, and try to picture him walking out of jail this soon for raping a girl by a trash dumpster.

Your opinion is as unsurprising as the sun rising in the morning and setting at night. Typical left-wing fantasies. So no, it's not obvious that the sentence was racially motivated. That's another straw man fallacy along with overgeneralization. Ever heard of Occam's Razor? Usually the simplest explanation is the best. You get the simplest explanation for what happened by actually reading up on what happened. You know, a few minutes of actual research instead of making knee-jerk reactions.

IMO, if another white guy who wasn't Brock Turner did the same thing he'd be put away for years too. If it was a different judge Turner wouldn't have gotten the light sentence. The reason for the weak sentence wasn't Turner's whiteness, it was the combination of Turner and his father and a stupid judge. That's the simplest reason. If you want to claim that white people don't get long prison sentences for rape, here's a few examples among the first few results from a search I just did:

Here's a white ex-cop getting 263 years for rape: https://thinkprogress.org/breaking-oklah...930f#.y6fkmcugd

Here's a white guy getting 34 years for rape: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article97155212.html

So if you want an obvious statement, here's one: once again, you have no evidence.

Here's another fact: In December 2015 Persky sentenced a white rapist to 30 years in prison. The fact is, as this article shows, the sentence he gave to Turner was an anomaly and his stated reason is because he didn't have any priors and has reduced sentences for black people also when no priors were involved. Why don't you read this article for some FACTS instead the usual talking points: http://www.eastbaytimes.com/2016/06/11/brock-turner-case-a-look-at-judge-aaron-perskys-record/

Now I drop the mic.

Last edited by Faithful1; 09/12/16 01:27 AM.