With Cheese it was straight up greed I think. He wanted to get in tighter with Marlo's crew so he sold out Prop Joe. I really didn't see it coming when Slim killed Cheese, but I guess he learned a lot from Joe.. I always liked the fact that it seemed like Slim was the one on top when it was all said and done. He was definitely a solid dude.

I've seen The Night Of.. Pretty good mini-series. I wanna say Bodie would never have testified like his character in The Night Of, but now I remember that he was actually going to testify against Marlo.

Anyway, your quote is definitely Bubs.

"So what's my role in your little drama? "

"I thought you might broker a meeting, you know. Help your fearless leader see the light about his new friend on the council."

"And I should tell him what? Make nice or invest heavily in petroleum jelly?"

"Hey. His ass, his choice."