Originally Posted By: merlino
great friend of mine is older than me we worked together he was high school student in the late 60s at a newly integrated high school in florida and led the naacp as well as black panthers in this town has taught me soo much about life and history as well as raising kids... ive been at playground w his grandkids n my kids.. and your right, he tuned his lil grandson up for basically breathing in wrong direction, it worked cause kid now is at temple starting on football team

but spot on tariq drinking from straw of a nasty burnt up dude w gloves but a fresh beard

Yeah, some parents go overboard and are in fact bullies, but the cursing out of parents is NO BUENO in most Black households. You don't get a "time out"....more than likely your parents get "time served" if anybody finds out how they responded. smile

Good line about the fresh beard . When we first see Kanan this season.....after what we imagine is at least a few weeks after the fight with Ghost...he has burns but a fresh haircut and lined up beard and l weight loss. They show Ghost still with bruises on his face from the fight, but apparently Kanan's hair doesn't grow.

This season had some great moments, and I guess they think that makes up for the bull they are feeding us.

no episode this week, btw.....think they don't want to go up against opening week of NFL night game