Drug markets: estimating financial value
Illicit drug markets are complex systems of production and distribution that generate large sums of money at di erent levels. A conservative estimate values the retail market for illicit drugs in the European Union at EUR 24.3 billion in 2013 (likely range EUR 21 billion to EUR 31 billion). With an estimated retail value of EUR 9.3 billion (likely range EUR 8.4–12.9 billion), and responsible for about 38 % of the total, cannabis products account for the largest share of the illicit drug market in Europe. is is followed by heroin, estimated at EUR 6.8 billion (EUR 6.0–7.8 billion) (28 %), and cocaine at EUR 5.7 billion (EUR 4.5–7.0 billion) (24 %). Amphetamines occupy a smaller market share, estimated at EUR 1.8 billion (EUR 1.2–2.5 billion) (8 %), ahead of MDMA, at almost EUR 0.7 billion (EUR 0.61–0.72 billion) (3 %). These estimates are based on very limited data, which has necessitated some broad assumptions, and hence must be viewed as initial minimum estimates that need revision in the future, as the information underpinning them is improved.


So, they are low-balling the drug thing a little?