Yet the organization "has not gone dormant," says Joseph M. Finnigan, organized crime supervisor for the FBI's Detroit office. Nor will it as long as people still play the numbers, call a bookie, gamble at an after-hours casino or arrange an illegal loan to cover their losses. New members have replaced the old, keeping the local Mafia's size at about 30.

--from Article 2001

Dave Aceto and Peter Messina as well as the younger Danna brother. Also Dom corrardo is about 40...

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn