Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen

I might agree with you, if it were ONE clan. I've read about the DiLauro, Prestieri, Contini, Mallardo, Nuvoletta, Mazzarella, Licciarddi, LaTorre , all the Casalesi clans like Schiavone, DeFalco, The Cavas and Grazianos with their construction empires..... Even some of the SUB-Clans are powerful like the Nettuno and Polverinos.

Ivey, have you ever really read up on Sicilian families like the Grados? They were lieutenants of the Bontade-Inzerillo click, and we're STILL billionaires off heroin.

You're saying one clan could take in $10 billion a year?

Nobody is saying these clans aren't wealthy and powerful. But the figures in this latest study appear more realistic and closer to the trurh than the astronomical estimates by other studies.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.